Play Therapy Internship & Externship

The Denver Center for Play Therapy offers play therapy training through our Internship & Externship Placements: internship placement for Master’s level counseling students and externship placement for MA, PsyD and PhD practitioners.


The Denver Center for Play Therapy provides a unique, strength based, play-filled therapeutic environment for children, adolescents, couples, families and adults. Play therapy isn’t all about toys & games but rather approaching one’s self gently (vs. working really hard on yourself). Interns and externs at DCPT will have the opportunity to work with a diverse population of children, families, adolescents, couples, adults, and groups. During the course of the year, interns and externs will become certified in Attachment Based Play Therapy.


  1. -700 hours, up to 12 weekly clients

  2. -1 year commitment

  3. -Friday mornings, 9-12pm for group supervision and trainings

Supervision & Training

- 1 hour of weekly individual supervision with a master’s level LPC

- 3 hours weekly Attachment Based Play Therapy training or group supervision

Special Features

- Training in Play Therapy

  1. -Monitored supervision of live sessions through a 1-way-mirror

Recommended Reading

Falling In Love with Where You Are, Jeff Foster

There is nothing Wrong with You,  Cheri Huber

Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart,  Dr. Mark Epstein

Gift of Imperfection, Brene Brown

The Power of Now,  Eckhart Tolle


  1. -MA Level and PsyD or PhD candidate or graduate in Counseling or Psychotherapy

  2. -Desire and willingness to work with a range of clients

- Previous counseling experience or related work with children and families

  1. -State of Colorado Background Check (completed after acceptance)

Openings & Timing

  1. -We are NOT currently accepting placements for any positions

Application Process

  1. -Please send a resume, cover letter, list of completed courses and 3 letters of reference  


- Direct questions to

Adults & Adolescents

Internship & Externship

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