Marketing Internship

The Denver Center for Play Therapy is looking for a marketing intern to join us.


The Denver Center for Play Therapy provides a unique, strength based, play-filled therapeutic environment for children, adolescents, couples, families and adults. Play therapy isn’t all about toys & games but rather approaching one’s self gently (vs. working really hard on yourself). The openness of play builds trust in one’s self, reduces stress, encourages communication, supports learning, promotes creative problem solving, and elevates mood. Interns and externs at DCPT will have the opportunity to work with a diverse population of children, families, adolescents, couples, adults, and groups doing strength-based counseling from a systems approach.


  1. -1 year commitment

  2. -Up to 20 hours per month


  1. -Ability to work with Constant Contact

  2. -Willingness to make cold calls

  3. -Ability to create and maintain a database using Microsoft Excel

  4. -Ability to work independently

  5. -Ability to be consistent and persistent

Application Process

  1. -Please send a resume and cover letter to:  144 West 11th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204


  1. -Direct questions to

  2. -Open until filled

Adults & Adolescents

Marketing Internship

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